Recommendations in summary
- We recommend that the WHO, FAO, UNDP and other UN agencies recognise the need for strategic, collaborative policy development across multiple levels of governance to address the public health, food security and biodiversity conservation threats of the use of mosquito nets as fishing gear.
- We recommend the development of an adaptive management framework for MNF, starting with an initial cross-sectoral values mapping process at a range of scales, facilitated by the aforementioned agencies and utilising case studies.
- We acknowledge the continued importance of mosquito net distribution programmes in tackling malaria and recommend that current and future programmes employ a policy of a MNF mitigation hierarchy throughout the relevant stages of distribution.
- We recommend the identification of Key Affected Areas (KAAs) where parallel policies to the mitigation hierarchy are developed according to local contexts including:
- Use and development of alternative, tailored vector control
- Collaborative efforts towards integrated development programmes specifically tackling drivers of MNF including investment, education and facilitation of social equity and female empowerment.
- Adaptive strategies applied to current fisheries management and specifically a focus on ensuring appropriate use of enforcement measures.
- We recommend using an integrated, cross-sectoral approach to policy at each step which is critically supported in data collection through information and capacity sharing, and data management/use by a centralised database of open source information. Key to effective delivery of these initiatives will be adoption of a common language across sectors.
- We recommend drawing on existing goals and advice within sectoral documents, including the Global Technical Strategy for Malaria and Voluntary Guidelines for Securing Sustainable Small-Scale Fisheries, and building these in to a concerted effort to create an enabling policy environment for addressing MNF across sectors.
- We recommend the engagement of NGOs across public health, development and conservation remits in policy development, particularly facilitation of dialogues at the local level, data sharing and capacity.
- We recommend the close marrying of private donors and business with high level efforts to create an enabling policy environment, responding as a driving force of diversification and innovation in interventions.
- We recommend the engagement of academic institutions in furthering our understanding of MNF and enabling evaluation and adaptive responses to policy, alongside a role of fostering and supporting innovations in support of private business.
- A range of existing, adaptable and novel interventions are proposed from an interdisciplinary brainstorm (Appendix I), though it should be noted this is not intended to be exhaustive.